take action to preserve & protect the bay

cpwb action committees

steering committee

Become a board member and help direct policy for CPWB. It is best to volunteer for one of the committees and participate in their activities for a year to find out if you are a good fit for CPWB before offering to join the board of directors.  However, initially, we will be recruiting new board members without prior experience on committees.

Click here to get involved.

advocacy committee


Investigates and prioritizes watershed pollution issues and how they are addressed.  Field monitors, such as road run-off monitors or River and Pond Keepers will become experts in their adopted tributary or pond system and monitor changes in the environment or threats to the system’s ecology and wildlife.  Tributaries that need monitoring include: the Moonakis/Quashnet River, Childs River, Red Brook, Little River and Great River. The ponds that need to be monitored include:  Sage Lot Pond, Flat Pond, Jehu Pond, Hamblin Pond, Caleb Pond, Bog Pond and Bourne Pond. The River and Pond Keepers will report to the Advocacy committee. Another group reporting to this committee will be the Boating, Docks and Dredging subcommittee. 

Click here to get involved.

Fundraising committee

Works on all fundraising activities such as the membership drive, an annual event and annual fund drive.  We are looking for creative, fun people who enjoy people and having a good time!

Click here to get involved.